Dienstag, 19. Dezember 2017

Jon Hammond Band + NDR Horns Blues Jazz Auster Bar Hamburg

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Jon Hammond Band + NDR Horns Blues Jazz Auster Bar Hamburg

Jon's archive https://archive.org/details/AusterBluesAndJazzJHBandWithNDRHorns

Eimsbüttel - Hamburg -- Auster Blues and Jazz in Auster Bar, special evening Jon Hammond Band with NDR Horns swinging the house with spirited solos all around: Ernst-Friedrich Fiete Felsch alto saxophone, Michael Leuschner trumpet, Lutz Büchner tenor saxophone, Joe Berger guitar, Jon Hammond organ and Heinz Lichius the drummer - special thanks to Nicolai Ditsch
for operating the camera (also a fine drummer) and all the Hamburg
people who came to this party session, Auster Bar Team Frank Blume &
Torsten Wendt - support from Musik Rotthoff, Joe Berger is playing special Futhark Guitar, Jon Hammond the Sk1 Hammond manufactured by Suzuki Musical Instruments http://www.HammondCast.com/ — at Auster Bar
Identifier AusterBluesAndJazzJHBandWithNDRHorns
Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.5.2
Topics Blues, Jazz Music, NDR Horns, Jon Hammond, Hammond Organ, Sk1,

Swinging, Hamburg, Eimsbüttel, Saxophone, Trumpet, Guitar, Drums, Combo
Language English

Trauer um Lutz Büchner

Stand: 12.03.2016 15:00 Uhr - Lesezeit: ca.4 Min.

Trauer um Lutz Büchner

Lutz Büchner, Saxofonist der NDR Bigband © NDR / Steven Haberland Fotograf: Steven Haberland

Lutz Büchner wurde 47 Jahre alt.
Der Saxofonist Lutz Büchner ist am 11. März während einer Japan-Tour der NDR Bigband im Alter von 47 Jahren an den Folgen eines Herzinfarkts verstorben. Es war ein großes Glück für die NDR Bigband, den Menschen und Musiker Lutz Büchner seit 22 Jahren in ihren Reihen zu haben. Er war ein grandioser, ein wahrhaft bedeutender Saxofonist mit einer unverkennbaren, einzigartigen Spielweise, die selbst dem ältesten und schon oft gehörten Jazzstandard immer wieder neue Seiten abgewinnen konnte. Vor allem aber brachte er auch seine Persönlichkeit in die Band ein: seinen Humor, sein ausgeglichenes Temperament und sein großes Interesse an allen Dingen des Lebens, das weit über die Musik hinaus reichte. Lutz Büchner war ein echter Teamplayer, vor und hinter den Kulissen.

Knuth: "Er lebte leidenschaftlich für und mit Musik"

Joachim Knuth, NDR Programmdirektor Hörfunk: "Die Nachricht vom Tod Lutz Büchners macht mich sehr betroffen. Ich habe ihn als einen liebenswürdigen Menschen erlebt, der leidenschaftlich mit und für Musik lebte. Lutz Büchner hatte den Jazz im Blut. Er liebte den spielerischen Umgang mit der Musik, die Improvisation. Der Tod dieses beeindruckenden Saxofonisten ist für die NDR Bigband, für den NDR, ein großer Verlust. Meine Gedanken sind in diesen Stunden bei der Familie und den Freunden Lutz Büchners."

Fasziniert von Miles Davis

Lutz Büchner wurde am 5. August 1968 in Bremen geboren. Er interessierte sich schon früh für Musik, bekam klassischen Klarinettenunterricht und entdeckte als Teenager nach einem Konzertbesuch den Jazz. Als er den Trompeter Miles Davis hörte, faszinierte ihn die Möglichkeit, sich auch jenseits der geschrieben Noten auf eine ganz persönliche Weise ausdrücken zu können. Dieser improvisierten, sich immer neu erfindenden Musik wollte er sich widmen.
Lutz Büchner kam nach Hamburg und studierte Saxofon bei Herb Geller, dem damals bekanntesten Solisten der NDR Bigband. Schon bald spielte er dort im Saxofonsatz - zunächst als Gast, seit 1994 als festes Mitglied. In den Mittelpunkt zog es ihn, den eher besonnen Menschen, dabei nicht so sehr. Aber wenn das Scheinwerferlicht auf ihn zeigte und er zum Solo ansetzte, dann entwickelte sein Spiel eine ganz besondere Wirkung: Mit geschlossenen Augen stand er da, die Töne flossen ebenso überraschend wie logisch aus seinem Instrument, sein ganzer Körper schien sich dabei in Musik zu verwandeln.
Lutz Büchner, Saxofonist der NDR Bigband © NDR / L. Towns Fotograf: L. Towns

Jazz ist spielerischer Umgang mit Musik

Saxofonist Lutz Büchner war von 1994 bis zu seinem plötzlichen Tod 2016 festes Mitglied der NDR Bigband. Im Interview spricht von seiner grossen Leidenschaft: dem Jazz. mehr

In seinem Spiel steckte besondere Tiefe

Viele Gäste der NDR Bigband haben ihn und sein Spiel so erlebt und geschätzt: Jazzgrößen wie Al Jarreau, Bobby McFerrin, João Bosco, Omar Sosa oder Abdullah Ibrahim genossen es, wenn Lutz Büchner neben ihnen spielte. Der Amerikaner Dale Wilson widmete ihm und seinem Saxofon-Kollegen Fiete Felsch eine ganze Big-Band-Suite, und die Komponistin Maria Schneider wollte ihn nach einem Besuch bei der NDR Bigband am liebsten gleich nach New York mitnehmen. Es waren nicht nur seine technischen Fertigkeiten und seine nahezu grenzenlosen Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten, mit denen Lutz Büchner so begeisterte. In seinem Spiel steckte eine besondere Tiefe. "Es ist sein Sound", sagte Maria Schneider einmal, "Lutz berührt mich."

Solistische Höhenflüge und zarte Lyrik

In der Improvisation spiegelt sich ja immer der ganze Mensch. So konnte Lutz Büchner auf dem Tenorsaxofon unendlich packend, mitreißend und kraftvoll spielen. Unvergessen ist sein solistischer Höhenflug in der Duke-Ellington-Hommage "Diminuendo, crescendo and crescendissimo in blue", in der er minutenlang ein loderndes Feuer immer neu entfachte, bis die Zuschauer bei einem Auftritt der NDR Bigband in New York am Schluss buchstäblich aus den Sitzen gerissen wurden. Seine andere, lyrische Seite war besonders stark auf der Klarinette zu hören, auf der er zu den außergewöhnlichsten Stimmen des modernen Jazz zählte, vielleicht sogar weltweit. Intim und zart, wie gehaucht schwebten die Töne in die Luft, jeder von ihnen hatte Bedeutung.
Nicht nur in der NDR Bigband, auch in eigenen Formationen waren sein ausgeprägtes Spiel und seine ausgefeilten Kompositionen zu hören. Mit seinem Quartett (mit Sandra Hempel, Heinz Lichius und Pepe Berns) trat Lutz Büchner 2005 bei den 2. Hamburger Jazztagen in der Kampnagel-Fabrik auf. Im selben Jahr entstand mit dem Trio Connex (mit Björn Lücker und Philipp Steen) ein gleichnamiges Album, und 2006 erschien seine vielbeachtete, von der Kritik hochgelobte CD "Ring".
"Mein Ziel ist es", hat Lutz Büchner einmal gesagt, "ganz im Moment zu spielen." Wir verdanken ihm viele unvergessliche Momente. Mit ihm verlieren wir einen lieben Menschen, einen großen Künstler und einen wunderbaren Kollegen.
Stefan Gerdes
Redaktion NDR Bigband/Jazzredaktion

Topics Blues, Jazz Music, NDR Horns, Jon Hammond, Hammond Organ, Sk1, Swinging, Hamburg, Eimsbüttel, Saxophone, Trumpet, Guitar, Drums, Combo, Lutz Buechner

Montag, 18. Dezember 2017

Nashville Full Set Jon Hammond Funk Unit

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Nashville Full Set Jon Hammond Funk Unit

Jon's archive https://archive.org/details/NashvilleFullSetJonHammondFunkUnit

Youtube https://youtu.be/PSZqcw8oixQ

'Web Friendly' Vimeo https://vimeo.com/247802485

Publication date 2017-12-18
Language English
Publication date 2017-12-18 by Jon Hammond
Topics Nashville, Outdoor Concert, Hammond Organ, Trombone, Saxophone, Guitar, Drums, Percussion, NAMM Show​
Language English
Nashville, Tennessee​ -- Full Set, Jon Hammond Funk Unit at Summer NAMM

Lee Oskar​ harmonica, Roland Barber​ trombone/shell/trumpet, Cord Martin​ tenor saxophone, Chuggy Carter​ GON BOPS congas & percussion, Joe Berger​ guitar (TV Jones guitar and 
pickups), Louis Flip Winfield​ drums, Jon Hammond​
Sk1 Hammond organ and bass - Greg Herreman​ NAMM productions manager, Mix: Michael 
Apodaca & Alex Moore audio Sound Image Nashville, Tennessee - spcl. thanks Michael Turner​ Mothertone

Identifier NashvilleFullSetJonHammondFunkUnit
Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3

Nashville, Outdoor Concert, Hammond Organ, Trombone, Saxophone, Guitar, Drums, Percussion, NAMM Show

Klostergarten Unedited Full Concert Organ Meets Bigband La Jazz O MV

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Klostergarten Unedited Full Concert Organ Meets Bigband La Jazz O MV

Jon'a archive https://archive.org/details/KlostergartenUneditedFullConcertOrganMeetsBigbandLaJazzOMV


Youtube https://youtu.be/Uqdjj-Lz0T0

(FULL HIGH DEFINITION VERSION) Jazz Movie: "Organ Meets Bigband" in Rostock Klostergarten LaJazzO MV and full Landesjugendjazzorchester on the Baltic Sea, live very special concert - Leader Michael Leuschner's concept here realized on a perfect evening - big thank you to Hr. Leuschner, the great young musicians of LaJazzO MV Landesjugendorchester Mecklenburg Vorpommern and projekt leaders, NDR archive arrangements by the late great Steve Grey - watch these young musicians, they are the future folks! Sincerely, Jon Hammond 
Roses For Tini & Franzi La Jazz O MV -- *WATCH THE FILM HERE: (FULL HIGH DEFINITION VERSION) Film Rostock, Germany
-- "Roses for Tini & Franzi LaJazzO MV Walk on The Wild Side" - 
Very special finale concert film from the program "Organ Meets Bigband" 
in the famous Klostergarten. Fantastic young jazz orchestra 
Landesjugendjazzorchester Mecklenburg Vorpommern led by Michael 
Leuschner, presents the musicians and roses in appreciation to the very 
special ladies behind the scenes Team Projektleitung: Christine Tini 
Unger & Franziska Maczkowicz aka Tini and Franzi - Jon Hammond as 
guest artist reprising Walk On The WIld Side, the last recorded concert 
of Jimmy Smith with The NDR Big Band fantastic arrangement by the late 
great Steve Gray rehearsed and played meticulously by these fine young 
musicians under the leadership of NDR Trumpeter Michael Leuschner - 
enjoy the film and music folks!

Klostergarten, LaJazzO MV, Landesjugendjazzorchester, Mecklenburg Vorpommern, Michael Leuschner, NDR, Bigband, Jon Hammond, Hammond Organ, Tini Unger, Franziska Maczkowicz

Sonntag, 17. Dezember 2017

Jon Hammond Show 1217

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Jon Hammond Show 1217

Jon's archive https://archive.org/details/JonHammondShow1217

Jon Hammond Show 1217 begins in The Ellington Room: "Pocket Funk"
by Jon Hammond Band - Jon Hammond B3 Organ Super 
Leslie, Todd Anderson tenor saxophone, Chuggy Carter percussion, Joe 
Berger guitar, Ray Grappone drums ©JON HAMMOND International
segment: Aviation History Documentary of the United Airlines 747 flying 
over Golden Gate Bridge and demo program flown by Joe Sobczak Flight 
Test Captain at United Airlines with his cockpit crew featured on air 
show program with Blue Angels and many others in honor of annual San 
Francisco Fleet Week (SFFW) "San Francisco Fleet Week is an annual 
public event that honors the contributions of the men and women of the 
United States Armed Forces" since 1981 - Video and Photos by Jon Hammond
and Lawrence Gay - Music "Soon I Will Be Free" by Jon Hammond and "Head
Phone" rhythm break down at end - note: framed photo of United 747 
Flyover Golden Gate Bridge presented to United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz -
thanks for watching and listening folks! - Jon Hammond - host of Jon 
Hammond Show MNN TV 
3rd segment Soundchecking Ellington Room Blues just before Chuggy quartet then quintet Jon Hammond Band - Musicians: Ray Grappone drums, Todd Anderson tenor saxophone, Jon Hammond B3 organ, Joe Berger guitar, Chuggy Carter (2nd tune) percussion #HammondB3#Soundcheck #Jazz
2nd tune:
Ellington Room Sound Check Jon Hammond Band plays down "Lydia's Tune" from Jon's first album - Musicians: Todd Anderson tenor saxophone, Chuggy Carter percussion, Ray Grappone drum, Joe Berger guitar, Jon Hammond B3 organ 
4th segment: Joe Franklin and Jon Hammond movie, filmed in Joe Franklin's office on West 43rd Street NYC

Ellington Room, B3 organ, Nakamichi 550, United 747, Public Access TV, Joe Franklin, Oscar Munoz, Soon I Will Be Free

Mittwoch, 13. Dezember 2017

Jon Hammond Show 1216

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Jon Hammond Show 1216

Jon's archive https://archive.org/details/JonHammondShow1216

by Jon Hammond

First segment:
The Czechoslovakian Salsa Song in Jazzkeller Hofheim - Jon Hammond Band annual Musikmesse-Session: Peter Klohmann t s, Giovanni Totò Gulino d, Joe Berger g, Jon Hammond o+b 
#HammondOrgan #Czechoslovakia #SaulSalsakovitch #HofheimamTaunus 
Second segment:
Center Stage Lee Oskar Feature Jon Hammond Allstars 
Center Stage musikmesse Lee Oskar Feature on Jon Hammond Allstars Band "Lydia's Tune" written by Jon Hammond in Paris - Peter Klohmann tenor, Giovanni Totò Gulino drums, Joe Berger gitarre, Jon Hammond Sk1 organ + bass with photos by Andreas Meer at end ©JON HAMMOND International
Third Segment:
Deutschherrnufer/Alte Brücke, 60594 Frankfurt, Germany
as Night Falls over Main River - Jon Hammond Show theme song LATE RENT:
empathy, love, reality, true, bravery, dignity, freedom, fidelity
Jon Hammond & Band
Giovanni Totò Gulino d.
Peter Klohmann t.s.
Joe Berger g.
Jon Hammond o.+b.
#Yachtklub #Jazzy #Funky #HammondOrgan #Drums #Guitar #Saxophone#FrankfurtamMain
Fourth Segment:
Eric Larsen Quickie Interview With Jon Hammond -
Eric Larsen and Jon Hammond quickie interview over coffee with TASCAM DR-10X Plug-on Micro Linear PCM Recorder audio and some images of things and people we talked about before we turned on the microphone! Eric had just come back from Fort Wayne, Indiana rep'ing TEAC TASCAM at the annual Sweetwater GearFest 2017 - Jon Hammond now getting ready for Summer NAMM Nashville and we'll see Eric again for sure at the big Winter NAMM Show 2018! 


*from Accordions Worldwide Megasite: http://www.accordions.com/news.aspx?d=03-Nov-2017&&s=13658 Thanks very much Harley Jones for putting out the word! "Jon Hammond Stolen Giulietti Classic model 127, Serial No. 14258 - USA by Harley Jones Well known musician Jon Hammond has now found the serial number of his stolen accordion, a Giulietti Classic model 127 Serial No. 14258. This accordion was stolen from his mother's house in Boston, MA in 1976. Picture right of Jon Hammond circa 1976, playing the stolen accordion. At the time, John was attending Berklee College of Music and this accordion has a history, being an accordion of the great pioneer USA accordionist John Molinari. If you have any information about the accordion, please email Jon Hammond at: jonhammond@jonhammondband.com

Jon Hammond Show, Music Travel, Soft News, Hammond Organ, TASCAM, Eric Larsen, NAMM, musikmesse, Cable Access TV

Dienstag, 5. Dezember 2017

14258 is the SERIAL NUMBER of my Stolen Giulietti Classic 127 Accordion REWARD IF FOUND

14258 is the SERIAL NUMBER of my Stolen Giulietti Classic 127 Accordion REWARD IF FOUND - Jon Hammond

I just got this great photo my Mom kept of me playing my precious GIULIETTI Accordions Classic 127 - this must have been just before it was stolen out of my apartment in Boston MA 1976 - I am still looking for it, we know now that the actual SERIAL NUMBER is: 14258 - REWARD IF FOUND! contact Jon Hammond

*from Accordions Worldwide Megasite:
http://www.accordions.com/news.aspx?d=03-Nov-2017&&s=13658 Thanks very much Harley Jones for putting out the word!
"Jon Hammond Stolen Giulietti Classic model 127, Serial No. 14258 - USA
by Harley Jones
Well known musician Jon Hammond has now found the serial number of his stolen accordion, a Giulietti Classic model 127 Serial No. 14258.

This accordion was stolen from his mother's house in Boston, MA in 1976. Picture right of Jon Hammond circa 1976, playing the stolen accordion.

At the time, John was attending Berklee College of Music and this accordion has a history, being an accordion of the great pioneer USA accordionist John Molinari.

If you have any information about the accordion, please email Jon Hammond at:
jonhammond@jonhammondband.com — with Giulietti Accordions USA and GIULIETTI Accordions at Berklee College of Music.
 WATCHMOVIE HERE: Shedding With Myself On Excelsior Accordion - Jon Hammond HD 1080p

Jon's archive https://archive.org/details/SheddingWithMyselfOnExcelsiorAccordionHD1080p

Language English
Like my friend Dick Contino the great accordionist star once told me: "When I break out the accordion it's like saying hello to an old friend!" Here I'm playing a blues with my custom built Excelsior accordion made by hand by the good folks at Excelsior Accordions & Pigini in Castelfidardo Italy - I have electronics on this instrument, but what you hear here is the pure sound of the high quality steel reeds, I really love this instrument. Mostly I keep it at home because the airlines can be a little rough on the instruments, I was lucky to get it home in one piece from Italy. Always a pleasure to play, enjoy folks, Jon Hammond Band http://www.accordionradio.com/ *Note: for those of you who don't know, musicians use the term "Wood Shedding" for practicing at home. When a musician says he or she is shedding, that usually means they are home or in a hotel somewhere practicing with their instrument - JH

Serial number 14258, Giulietti Accordion Accordion, Excelsior, Jon Hammond, Wood Shed, Funky Jazz, Blues, Castelfidardo, Italy, Local 802, Musicians Union

Donnerstag, 30. November 2017

3 Flats THING In C Minor Jon Hammond Band In Jazzkeller Frankfurt

#WATCHMOVIE HERE: 3 Flats THING In C Minor Jon Hammond Band In Jazzkeller Frankfurt

Jon's archive https://archive.org/details/3FlatsTHINGInCMinorJonHammondBandInJazzkellerFrankfurt

Youtube https://youtu.be/VrDFIBx--nA

3 Flats: "Thing in C minor" - Jon Hammond Band
Jon Hammond's annual musikmesse Warm Up Party
Jazzkeller Frankfurt
Joe Berger g
Giovanni Totò Gulino d
Peter Klohmann t s
Jon Hammond o

Publication date 2017-11-28
Language English

3 Flats, C minor, E flat major, Funk, Jam, jazzkeller, Frankfurt, musikmesse party, Jon Hammond Band, Hammond Organ, saxophone, guitar, drums

Montag, 27. November 2017

Jon Hammond Show 1202

#WATCHMOVIE: Jon Hammond Show 1202

 Jon's archive https://archive.org/details/JonHammondShow1202

 Youtube https://youtu.be/B6S1RRTX15s

 Vimeo https://vimeo.com/244520725

by Jon Hammond
Jon Hammond Show 1202
Manhattan Neighborhood Network Channel 1, air time 01:30 AM on 12/02 - Music, Tavel, Soft News 
First segment - Jazz Funk Tribute to Cannonball Adderley and Lutz Büchner​ NDR Horns Jon Hammond Band​ - Auster Jazz Series concert Hamburg Eimsbüttel. Funky Heinz Lichius​ drums, Michael Leuschner​ trumpet, Lutz Büchner tenor, Ernst-Friedrich Fiete Felsch​ alto, Joe Berger​ guitar, Jon Hammond​ organ bass - special thanks Nicolai Ditsch for operating the camera, this concert was filmed in High Definition - Frank Blume, Torsten Wendt - Knut Benzner NDR Redaktion - Musik Rotthoff​ support - Gideon Schier / Baltic Soul Weekender 
Second segment - Hammond Party!
In Frankfurt, Germany - 31st consecutive musikmesse
Man in the middle: Joe Berger
Left: Jon Hammond
Right: Michael Falkenstein
(when I can finally get him to sit down and play his ass off) - Michael
is a very popular young man! Especially in the musikmesse (many more 
than 31 for Michael - more like 40 times, already a pro by the time we 
met him with his Dad - Professor Klaus Maier in 1987 Hammond Germany stand!)
Hammond stand last day of 2017 musikmesse - good times with the boys over in Germany at Messe Frankfurt
XK-5 Hammond organs now in wide release, from our good friends in Suzuki Musical Instruments
in the laboratories in Hamamatsu - 3300 Leslie, 300 watts rms solid 
state power with tube preamp sounding real good - JH - special thanks Jennifer Schiele & Leslie - the next orgelspieler! #HammondOrgan #Musikmesse #Funky #Jazz #SoulMusic
Identifier HammondParty
Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3
Third segment - Nashville Tennessee -- Harry Shearer Interview with Jon Hammond just before Harry accepted the American Eagle Award along with Crystal Gayle and Patti Smith from the US National Music Council during Summer NAMM Show - for broadcast on Jon Hammond Show on MNN TV Channel 1 in Manhattan - From Harry's wiki: "Harry Julius Shearer (born December 23, 1943) is an American actor, voice actor, comedian, writer, musician, author, radio host, director and producer. He is known for his long-running roles on The Simpsons, his work on Saturday Night Live, the comedy band Spinal Tap and his radio program Le Show. Born in Los Angeles, California, Shearer began his career as a child actor. From 1969 to 1976, Shearer was a member of The Credibility Gap, a radio comedy group. Following the breakup of the group, Shearer co-wrote the film Real Life with Albert Brooks and started writing for Martin Mull's television series Fernwood 2 Night.
He was a cast member on Saturday Night Live on two occasions, between 1979–80, and 1984–85. Shearer co-created, co-wrote and co-starred in the 1984 film This Is Spinal Tap, a satirical rockumentary, which became a cult hit. In 1989, Shearer joined the cast of The Simpsons; he provides voices for numerous characters, including Mr. Burns, Waylon Smithers, Principal Skinner, Ned Flanders, Reverend Lovejoy, Kent Brockman, Dr. Hibbert and more. Shearer has appeared in several films, including A Mighty Wind and The Truman Show, has directed two, Teddy Bears' Picnic and The Big Uneasy, and has written three books. Since 1983, Shearer has been the host of the public radio comedy/music program Le Show, a hodgepodge of satirical news commentary, music, and sketch comedy."

Jon Hammond and Harry Shearer backstage at American Eagle Awards - Nashville Music City Center

Jon Hammond Show, Funky Jazz, Blues, Hammond Organ, Manhattan Neighborhood Network, XK5, B3 organ, Music, Travel, Soft News

Samstag, 25. November 2017

Hammond Party


Jon's archive https://archive.org/details/HammondParty

Youtube https://youtu.be/qgqrBofGUFo

Hammond Party!
In Frankfurt, Germany - 31st consecutive musikmesse
Man in the middle: Joe Berger
Left: Jon Hammond
Right: Michael Falkenstein
(when I can finally get him to sit down and play his ass off) - Michael
is a very popular young man! Especially in the musikmesse (many more 
than 31 for Michael - more like 40 times, already a pro by the time we 
met him with his Dad - Professor Klaus Maier in 1987 Hammond Germany stand!)
Hammond stand last day of 2017 musikmesse - good times with the boys over in Germany at Messe Frankfurt
XK-5 Hammond organs now in wide release, from our good friends in Suzuki Musical Instruments
in the laboratories in Hamamatsu - 3300 Leslie, 300 watts rms solid 
state power with tube preamp sounding real good - JH - special thanks Jennifer Schiele & Leslie - the next orgelspieler! #HammondOrgan #Musikmesse #Funky #Jazz #SoulMusic #HammondParty

Hammond Organ, Party, Frankfurt Germany, Musikmesse, XK5, B3 organ, Funky, Jazz, Soul Music, #HammondParty


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